Money isn't always the favorite topic to discuss at church. It's often a turn-off. We are comfortable discussing it freely at Canvas because we are passionate about and believe with all our hearts in what we are trying to accomplish here.
We believe loving people and helping them find how much God loves them is worth our time and our money.
We believe loving people in such a way that they find Life is worth our time and our money.
And we believe pouring out as much as we can possibly afford to care for our friends experiencing homelessness is worth our time and our money.
If these things are things you feel are worth your financial support, please consider making a one-time gift or setting up recurring giving by following the link below. Furthermore, we are transparent about our use of money. If you ever wish to see our books or a line-item report of how we handle our money, please email our pastor, Paul Atkins, and he will personally provide you with that information.